November 1, 2019
“Tax Hour” Held for High School Students
In 2019 the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska continued to educate high school students throughout the Republic of Srpska in order to present the importance of paying taxes, as well as the significance of tax system and the benefits that arise from it.
On that occasion, education i.e. “Tax Hour” was organized at the RS Tax Administration Headquarters in Banja Luka for students of the Banja Luka School of Economics, and such education was held in previous weeks for high school students in other cities throughout the Republic of Srpska. Moreover, the students of the Banja Luka School of Economics visited the premises of the RS Tax Administration in Banja Luka where they were acquainted with the processes of work in some sectors and the Regional Unit Banja Luka.
Within these educations high school students were introduced to the tax regulations, form and way of work of Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska as well as RS tax system respectively with existing taxes, procedures and conditions and ways of payment of tax liabilities, rights and obligations of taxpayers. Also, high school students were presented the way of functioning of the Unified System for Registration, Control, and Collection of Contributions as well as the process of fiscalization.
The aim of these activities is rising up the awareness about importance of tax system and paying of tax, as well as benefit that comes from that, either for individual and society. It is about activity continuation of the Tax Administration of Republic of Srpska on education of the youngest population in order to, as coming taxpayers, gain necessary knowledge and realize importance and advantages of regular payment of tax liabilities.
Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska will continue education of the young in the next period as a key segment in changes of way of thinking in this area throughout visits to educational institutions or students visit to Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska. Through these activities, we strive to affect on citizen’s awareness, from the youngest to the eldest, that paying the tax strengthen Republic of Srpska in all segments.
April 23, 2018
Secondary School Pupils Learn About Importance of the Tax System
Representatives of Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska continued with education of secondary school pupils throughout the Republic of Srpska in this year, with the aim to present them the importance of tax paying and tax system, as well as benefits that comes from that.
Namely, one hour educations are organized for pupils of secondary Economic schools in TARS regional centers in Zvornik and Bijeljina in preceding days and the same presentation is held today in regional center Doboj for pupils of secondary Economic school in Doboj. By the end of this week, the educations are planned for secondary school pupils in regional centers in Prijedor, Banja Luka, Istočno Sarajevo and Trebinje.
Within these educations, pupils meet with tax regulations, creation and ways of work of Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska, tax system of the Republic of Srpska i.e. existing taxes, procedures, conditions and ways of tax liability payments, and rights and taxpayer’s liabilities. Also, the pupils were presented the way of work of the Unified System for Registration, Control and Collection of Revenues and the fiscalization process.
Otherwise, the aim of these activities is rising awareness about importance of the tax system and tax payment as well as benefits that come from that either for individual and the society. It is about continuance of TARS educational activity for the youngest population in order to, as future taxpayers, gain needed knowledge and realized the importance and advantages of regular payment of the tax liabilities. For that reason, TARS will continue with the education of young people in the next period as a key segment in changes of thinking in this area through its visits to educational institutions or pupils visits to Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska.
The Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska seeks to increase the consciousness of citizens, from the youngest to the eldest, that paying the tax we altogether strengthen the Republic of Srpska in all segments.
December 28, 2016
RSTA participated in the 4th Conference of youth work of the Republic of Srpska
The Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska participated in the 4th Conference of youth work of the Republic of Srpska which was held on 21-23 December 2016 in House of Youth in Banja Luka. The Tax Administration held the presentation on the theme of “Tax Liabilities of the Youth Organizations in the Area of Direct Taxes” within this conference with the aim of education of young people about importance of tax payment and benefits that come out of it.
In the Tax Administration web site, it will be formed new section intended to young people in order to get to know with tax regulations, the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska’s way of work, tax system of the Republic of Srpska, i.e. the existing taxes, procedures, conditions and the way of tax liabilities payment, rights and taxpayers’ liabilities beside having regular educations about taxes
The aim of these activities is sending a positive message about importance of tax payment and benefits that come out of it either for individual and the society in general.
In accordance with the Tax Administration working plan by which education of young people is provided, seminars related to application of tax regulations as well as other working competences of the Tax Administration were held for pupils of secondary schools.
Topic: „Informing and education of young people with tax system of the Republic of Srpska“
Seminar was held in the following towns in the Republic of Srpska:
– In Prijedor, for pupils of Catering-Economics School Prijedor, at the premises of Regional Center Prijedor.
– In Doboj, for pupils of Economics School Doboj, at the premises of Regional Center Doboj
– In Istočno Sarajevo, for pupils of Secondary School Istočna Ilidža, at the premises of Regional Center Istočno Sarajevo.
– In Trebinje, for pupils of Center of Secondary Schools Trebinje, at the premises of Regional Center in Bijeljina
– In Bijeljina, for pupils of Economics School in Bijeljina, at the premises of City Library in Bijeljina.
Theoretical education within students practice for students of University of Business Studies was held in the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpske on 22 November 2016
Topic: Importance of Tax System in Republic of Srpska and BiH
Apart from the theoretical part, the students have got acquainted with the practical work of the RSTA (visit to the Regional Center Banja Luka).
Regulations important for young people